The Winter 2018 Olympic Games may have come to a close, but that doesn’t mean the inspiration you gleaned from the world’s top elite athletes has to go to waste. Maybe you’ll never be able to nail a triple axle, land a frontside 1440 double cork with a frontside grab, or win gold in an intense hockey shootout, but there is still plenty you can mimic of these winter sports superstars to up your own fitness game.
Be the Champion of Your Olympic-Inspired Workouts
Olympians spend endless waking hours training to be their best, but we know you don’t have time for that. The upside is being your best typically doesn’t require working out morning, noon, and night. Instead it’s all about finding exercises that are right for your goals while still being efficient and effective.
To achieve just that, we took a page from Olympic workout plans. That’s because the Games may be over for them, but every day is a fresh new start for you to go for your own personal gold.
Exercises to Create Olympic-Inspired Workouts

Side Skaters: Build strength and agility like a speed skater with this side-to-side exercise that mimics the motions of racing on the ice.
To Do: Starting from a small squat, jump to the right as you bring your left leg bent behind you and off the floor. Jump to the left and complete the same positioning on the opposite side. This is one rep.
Reps: Complete three rounds of 20 reps, maintaining proper form while boosting your heart rate.
Plank Mogul Jumps: Freestyle skiers need powerful legs to chug through the lumps and bumps of a course while also strong abs to help them maintain balance. We love this exercise because it works both.
To Do: Start in a tabletop position, with your hands below your shoulders and your knees below your hips. Lift your knees off the ground and roll onto your toes, supporting your weight evenly between you hands and feet. With your upper body staying where it is, jump your feet to the left, keeping your knees bent and your feet on the same plane as your hips or butt. Jump to the right in the same position to repeat one rep.
Reps: Complete three rounds of eight reps, ending each set by jumping your feet straight back and holding a plank for 30 seconds. Take a one- to two-minute rest between each set.
Ski Track Tricep Extensions: Cross-country skiers rely heavily on their legs to power through long distances, but don’t overlook the work their triceps put into those poles.
To Do: Stand with your feet together and your legs just slightly bend. Lean forward from the hips so that your upper body is in a straight light at about a 45-degree angle. Holding dumbbells, start with your arms bent and your fists at your front shoulders, palms facing inward. Lower the dumbbell and straighten your arms back behind you so that your triceps engage (be careful not to hyper extend your elbows). Slowly return the weight back to your shoulder to complete the rep.
Reps: Complete 3 rounds of 25 reps at a lower weight or 12 reps at a higher weight.

Plate Push Sprints: Bobsled teams need to explode off the starting line in order to get there sled moving at high speeds. The sport requires a whole lot of leg exercises, including squats, lunges, and box jumps, but for an exercise that truly resembles pushing a sled, try this one out (don’t worry, no sled required!).
To Do: Find a length of open space, such as a field, indoor turf, or even just your carpeted hallway. Place a weightlifting plate on the floor. (Note: If you don’t have a plate, you can use a dumbbell, kettlebell, or any stable object that requires a bit of oomph to push across a surface.) Place your hands on the plate, bend your legs into a small squat, and simultaneously push the plate forward while exploding into a sprint, running all the way to the end of your open space distance. This is one rep.
Reps: Complete five Push Plate Sprints, taking only short breaks in between each rep. When this exercise feels too easy, increase the distance, the weight of the object, or the number of reps you complete.
Now that you’ve been inspired by the athletes, customize your workout with other exercises they’re sure to use in their own fitness plans. The new moves will keep you motivated and make you feel like a champion all year long.
What is your favorite Olympic event to watch? Share with others in the comments.
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