In a world full of stability balls, kettlebells, treadmills, and TRX suspension straps, it can seem like you need a ton of props and equipment to get in shape these days. However, what if we told you that to get strong, burn fat, and increase your exercise, all you need is wall? You might think we’d be lying, but we’re not. Find a wall–home, work, the gym, wherever–and you’ve got everything you need for this sweat session.
Side Arm Push: With your left arm facing the wall, place your right hand (fingers toward the ceiling) on the wall so that your right arm crosses in front of your body. With a strong core and your feet together, slowly bend your right elbow 90 degrees, hold for a two count, and then push away to the starting position.
Wall Sit: For a full body exercise, stand with your back against the wall and slide down so that your body is in the shape of a chair. Your legs should be in 90-degree angles, and your knees should not extend past your toes. Hold this position for a count of 15-seconds before returning to the starting position. Need a challenge? Extend one leg, hovering your feet about six inches off the ground.

Push-Offs: Facing the wall, stand a little farther back than extended arm length. Lean forward on your toes, placing your hands on the wall slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Tighten your core and bend your elbows bringing your chest near the wall. Push back with power so that your hands come off the wall and you tilt to a standing-on-toes position. Fall back into the wall with bent arms to complete your first rep.
Split Squats: With your back facing the wall, place the sole of one foot on the wall behind you at about knee or calf height. The standing leg should be slightly in front of your body. Similar to a lunge, lower the bent knee of the wall leg toward the floor, making sure the knee of the standing leg doesn’t bend forward of the toes (if so, move the standing leg more forward). Raise your body to the starting position to complete one rep.
Wall Bridge: Lay on the floor and place the soles of both feet on the wall with your legs bent. Place your arms by your side flat on the floor, palms facing down. Engage your core and push your feet into the wall and raise your hips and butt up and off the floor. Hold this for a count of five, and then slowly lower to the floor.
Wall Dog: Face the wall and extend your arms straight out from your shoulders, placing your hands on the wall with your fingers toward the ceiling. Similar to a downward dog but with your hands on the wall, lower your upper body between your arms and let your head hang loose.
Sample Workout
Side Arm Push
Beginner: 15 reps, each arm
Advanced: 25 reps each arm
Wall Sit
Beginner: 3 rounds of 10-second sits
Advanced, 2 rounds of 15-second extended leg sits, each leg
Beginner: 2 sets of 8 reps
Advanced: 2 sets of 15 reps
Split Squats
Beginner: 1 set of 10 reps, each leg
Advanced, 2 sets of 8 reps each leg
Wall Bridge
Beginner: 1 set of 6 reps
Advanced: 1 set of 12 reps
Wall Dog
End the workout with three rounds, each one a 30-second hold.
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