Each woman has her trouble spots–upper arms, belly, butt, etc. However, a common area that plagues many women is the inner thigh. Even though females tend to be stronger in their lower halves, which means they have more muscle to help with burning fat more efficiently, the inner thigh can be a region that is often neglected. That’s because it’s a tricky area to work, as the larger muscles in other parts of your legs and butt tend to takeover.
Make your inner thigh the spotlight of your next lower body workout by trying some of these exercises. In no time, you’ll be loving how you look in leggings and feeling super sexy in those skinny jeans.

Chair Pose: Despite what you might think, you don’t have to move a lot to work those inner thighs. The chair pose, which is a popular yoga leg strengthener, is a static movement where the muscles fire without moving the joint.
To do: Stand up straight with your shoulders relaxed and the insides of your feet touching. Bend at the waist and sit back as if you were going to sit on a chair. Focus on keeping the weight in the heels of your feet, your chest up, and your butt slightly tucked under to avoid too much lower lumbar curve. Bring your hands to prayer position at chest, or raise your arms straight out from your shoulders, making sure to keep your shoulders relaxed. Breathe in as you tighten your core and inner thigh muscles, and as you breathe out try to sit just a little bit lower in the pose.
Sumo Squat: You already know that squats are an amazing full-body workout, toning not just your lower body but your core, too. Sumo squats, which are done with the legs at a wider stance, offer the same benefits as the traditional squats while at the same time target your inner thigh.
To do: Stand with legs wide and toes pointed out slightly. Bend your knees until your knees are over your ankles, being careful not to track over your toes (widen your stance if this happens). Hold the squat position squeezing your inner thigh muscles for a count of three, then straighten your legs to the standing position.
Side Lunges: Any kind of lunge you do, be it standing, walking, front, or back, will do wonders for your lower body. But when really wanting to work on the inner thighs, take the exercise to the side.
To do: Stand with your feet together. With your right leg, bend and raise your knee and take a wide step out to the side. Bend the knee while making sure your knee doesn’t not bend in front of your your toes. Hold this position for one count, then squeeze your leg muscles to return to the starting position. Repeat on the left side.
Sample Workout
Chair Pose: Use this pose to help warm up the muscles. Complete one round of a three-breaths hold. Stand and shake out the legs. Complete a second round of a five-breaths hold. Stand and shake out the legs again.
Sumo Squat: Three rounds of 12 reps. If these are too easy, hold a kettlebell in both hands in front of your body.
Side Lunges: Two rounds of 30 reps, alternating legs (15 reps per leg). For something more challenging, do all 15 reps on one leg before completing the last 15 reps on the remaining leg.
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