Your spice rack does waaayyy more than make food taste more flavorful and yummy. There are tons of spices in the world that feature numerous health benefits, from lowering blood sugar to inhibiting the growth of cancer cells to relieving nausea. Most of these spices can already be found in your kitchen, so take a minute to learn what makes them so awesome, and why you should consume more of them!

Polyphenols: One of the Most Amazing Plant Compounds in Existence
Polyphenols are way-awesome plant compounds found in red wine, tea and assorted fruit and veggies. They can also be found in spices! Amazing benefits include possible cancer-fighting abilities, good cholesterol increase, anti-inflammatory properties and more. Inflammation does more than just make you feel uncomfortable–it contributes to heart disease and cancer. Not. Good. Eating more spices is a way to stop inflammation in the body–for example, cinnamon helps lower inflammation in addition to reducing blood glucose levels, which is especially important for those with diabetes.
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice…Actually Just Make It Spice
Adding more spice to your daily meals is also a great way to limit intake of other flavor boosters such as salt and sugar. Sodium and sugar aren’t doing the body any favors, after all!
Stick with spices to make dishes flavorful, and see if you don’t notice a difference in your waistline! According to WebMD, we tend to scarf bland foods, which isn’t particularly satisfying, and can result in more oinking out. Eating foods flavored with assorted spices? You’re much more likely to savor the dish and feel all kinds of satisfied, meaning you probably aren’t going to want seconds or thirds.
Healthiest Spices: Eat More Of These, Feel Better, Stronger, Etc.
So which spices are among the best as part of a super-healthy diet? There’s plenty of winners and honorable mentions out there, all of which feature more than one health benefit. Why? Spices are generally made from herbs, and herbs offer multiple health benefits. Cool, huh?
Turmeric: One of the most common spices in Indian cooking, turmeric contains curcumin, which is believed to stop cancer cells from taking over! Health experts recommend 500 to 800mg of the orange-y spice per day for best results.
Thyme: A favorite for stews, roasts and soups, thyme is a culinary herb whose oil contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Recent findings have also shown its ability to destroy the MRSA infection, something commercial antibiotics have not been able to do.
Oregeno: Would you believe oregano has four times the amount of antioxidants in blueberries? Crazy, right?? Pizza’s favorite spice also features thymol and carvacol, two antibacterial compounds that make infection their, uh, you know. Use it fresh or dried in a variety of dishes.
Cayenne: Use cayenne in your cooking or take it in supplement form. It’s a frequent ingredient in natural, super-effective home remedies for sore and strep throat, eases gas, deals with cold and flu symptoms, helps regulate metabolism, and is great to have if you or someone close to you is having a heart attack. Seriously. Dr. John Christopher, N.D., a renowned health expert who frequently touted the endless benefits of herbs, spices and a plant-based diet, is one of many who recommended consuming cayenne to stop a heart attack. While the proverbial jury is still out on this treatment, Dr. Christopher used the spice in home cases for some 35 years.
Cinnamon: In addition to its mild anti-inflammatory properties, cinnamon is helpful in the treatment of stomach ulcers and nausea. It also helps the body burn fat by increasing insulin activity.
These are just some of the many spices that feature multiple health benefits! Shop for spices at your local farmers market, as you can be sure they don’t contain and nasty additives or other unpleasant chemicals. Add a few to your dinner tonight and enjoy!
Natural News
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