By dictionary definition, “willpower” is defined as “control deliberately exerted to do something or to restrain one’s own impulses.” By most women’s definitions, willpower is the one thing standing between them and devouring the just-out-of-the-oven pan of brownies.
If you can relate, then it probably goes without saying that you’ve probably lost a battle or two with willpower. And that’s OK. It happens. The point is not to beat yourself up over it, but instead to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back on the proverbial horse.
However, if you find you’re in a daily–maybe even hourly–battle with willpower, or if you’re beginning to think you simply weren’t born with the ability to control yourself, then the following tips are for you.
Go for a Goal: Willpower seems weakest when there is a lack of good reasons for not eating the entire pint of rocky road ice cream. However, if you know that you want to look smokin’ hot for your ten-year high school reunion in three months, it might be easier to put down the spoon and back away from the freezer. Just imagine that old flame drooling over you, and you’ll soon stop salivating over the sweet stuff.
Get Some Zzzs: If you’re tired and exhausted, it’s hard to stand up to anyone, let alone the constant nagging voice for chocolate in your head. Instead of breaking into the peanut butter cups, take a power nap to gain back control. If sleep isn’t an option, go for a brisk walk in the fresh air to see if can perk back into power.
Pack Some Snacks: It’s hard to be strong in the face of tempting treats when your tummy is grumbling and there is no other food in sight. When you have snacks on hand–some almonds, a turkey wrap, or a dish of veggies and hummus–it’s easier to keep your willpower in fighting shape.
Drink Up: Thirst is often mistaken as hunger. When your willpower is crashing in exchange for your co-workers’ cupcakes, grab a glass of water to glug. You’ll ditch the dehydration and also feel fuller with a belly full of H2O.
Find Your Zen: When stress and willpower go head-to-head, stress usually conquers all. Whether it’s family matter, business with the boss, or just your own mental demons getting the better of your brain, taming your stress is key to a willpower win. Look for ways to chill out, such as meditating for five or ten minutes a day, stretching your muscles while focusing on deep breathing, going out for a long run, or letting your mind feel free while digging in the garden.
Have Some Fun: Sometimes the only reason your willpower is needed is because you’re being too strict on yourself. As far as we know, you only get one life–so make the most of it. That doesn’t mean you need to indulge the day away. However, it’s ok to let loose and have a cocktail or two with the girls, or bag of candy at the movies once in a while. So long as you’re moving and making good choices most of the time, tell your willpower it’s OK to take a break.
Whether it feels like it or not, you are in control of yourself. Outside pressures can make their plays, but you’re strong and smart enough to know what right for you.
What is your ultimate weakness? Share with us in the comments!
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