If I told you that you should be eating plenty of foods to lose fat, would you believe me? Well the secret is you should be eating plenty of fantastic food in order to lose fat.
It is crucial to eat; for life, a healthy mind and body, for energy, for good sleep, better moods, balanced hormones, better workouts and to aid in fat loss and body composition. There is a long list to the benefits of eating, the key being not to starve and believe that calorie restriction is the key to your fat loss results.
The trend of minimising calories to an absurdly low number needs to be thrown in the trash along with the scales you have become so reliant on. Some of the reasons why you might not be succeeding on your fat loss journey when cutting calories to a low number is because it is not sustainable, affects hormones and metabolism, and causes stress to the mind and body. This is not to say that counting calories doesn’t work. It does in the right context; when counting to ensure you are eating enough food to support your body and goals. This is completely different to the approach of drastically cutting calories and depriving your body of energy and nutrients. Our approach is sustainable and allows you to eat food without the guilt!
Whatever approach you take, the point is to make sure you are eating plenty and filling your body with quality foods that make your body feel fantastic and aid in losing fat. Eating should be simple and enjoyable, not stressful.
Start experiencing success with your results, enjoy food, feel great, have zest and rid that guilt! Here are five points on how to eat your way to fat loss.
1. Eat Breakfast
Start your day with a boost! Forget the tiring idea of skipping breakfast to cut calories for your dream body – this is not the answer. You are only making this worse for yourself by increasing the likelihood of cravings and binges later in the day. Instead of setting yourself up for failure, start to succeed with your fat loss by eating breakfast. Another bonus to this is it helps your metabolism which is key to burning fat. The body needs fuel; have some oats with either a side of Greek yoghurt, berries and honey or scrambled eggs.
2. Eat Protein
Aim to get protein in at every meal. Protein is essential for helping to change your body. Of course fats and carbohydrates are just as important, however the beauty of protein is it keeps you feeling fuller for longer, it raises your metabolism, it helps manage blood sugar levels and it triggers protein synthesis which helps preserve lean muscle mass (aka great for fat loss). Excellent protein choices: eggs, Greek yoghurt, quark, protein powder, salmon, tuna, prawns, chicken, turkey and beef.
3. Eat Carbs
“But I thought carbs were the devil?”
I have some great news, carbs are your friend! Eating carbohydrates will help you to lose fat; the key is to eat certain types and less of others. This is your secret weapon that will help your results. Eating better choices of carbs will provide you with energy, happier hormones, better sleep and workouts, and an overall better success rate with fat loss. The focus needs to be on fruit, vegetables, potatoes (sweet or white), rice and oats. You can even enjoy sweet treats such as honey and dark chocolate.
4. Eat Vegetables
We all know that eating vegetables are healthy so why not give this well-known tip a go! Vegetables provide an incredible dose of nutrients which our bodies need to thrive. The health benefits are extensive including better hormone production, improved immune system, hair, skin, nails, heart health, energy, mood and most of all can help with fat loss. Something you also get from vegetables is fibre, which aids your digestive system and helps the body utilise food in return providing better results for losing fat. Aim to add vegetables to at least one meal per day.
5. Drink Water
It is not just about food for fat loss; water is an essential component too. Dehydration is the enemy when it comes to losing fat. If your body doesn’t have enough water it won’t metabolise fat as efficiently, and if there is a lack of water in your system it will hold onto what it has, causing bloating (water retention).
Give these 5 points a go to start losing the fat!
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